Raja Kapotasana - Royal King Pigeon Pose
Try out this Asana with me?, Health Challenge Invite. Improves your posture
- Begin on your hands and knees. Step one leg in front of you and bend the knee, sliding the foot towards the wrist of the hand on the opposite side, and placing the knee on the ground. Extend the other leg back behind you.
- You can keep your front shin parallel to your hips, or bring the foot close to your groin. The right position will depend on your anatomy and flexibility, so do what feels best for you.Slowly bend the back knee, pointing the foot towards the sky. Keep the front leg active and firmly pressed into the ground.
- Now grab the foot with the same-sided hand, and pull it in towards your body. Now, flip your grip by holding the outside edge of your foot.
- Turn your torso back to the front of the mat, and lift the elbow up towards the sky.
- You can leave your other arm down, or if you want to try the full expression of the pose, reach it up, bend the elbow and grab the back foot, having both arms in the same position, called “the overhead grip”.
- Open your chest and belly, and look up.
- Hold the pose for a couple of breaths, and slowly release. Then move to the other leg and repeat the steps on the other side.
- Strengthen The Back, Abdomen, Legs and Hips.
- Helps to Reduce Back Pain.
- Improves Digestive Health.
- Enhance Sexual Health.
- Strengthen the Neck, Chest, and Shoulders.
- Improves Flexibility of Spine.
Who Can Do
Consult a doctor before beginning an exercise regime.