Samana mudra is a mudra, or yogic hand gesture, where all four fingers and the thumb are brought together to touch.
Samana mudra is said to be beneficial as a healing tool.
It can also be used to relieve more acute discomfort by holding the mudra to a tense or painful part of the body.
Follow these steps to try Samana Mudra :
According to Ayurvedic philosophy, the body is composed of five elements, each represented by one of the fingers.
The five elements need to be in balance with each other for optimum health and vitality.
When the fingers are brought together in samana mudra, all elements are given equal importance, hence its healing effect.
- Balances the metabolism
- Improves liver function
- Balances the doshas
- Strengthens the internal body
- Helps with hypertension
- Increases appetite