Standing Forward Bend - Uttanasana
Try out this Asana with me?, Health Challenge Invite. Utt?n?sana
From a standing position, the body is folded over at the crease of the hip with the spine long. The neck is relaxed and the crown of the head is toward the earth. The feet are rooted into the earth with the toes actively lifted. The spine is straight. The ribcage is lifted. The chest and the thighs are connected. The sacrum lifts up toward the sky in dog tilt. The fingertips are resting on the earth next to the toes. The gaze is down or slightly forward.
- Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression.
- Stimulates the liver and kidneys.
- Stretches the hamstrings, calves, and hips.
- Strengthens the thighs and knees.
- Improves digestion.
- Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause.
- Reduces fatigue and anxiety.
- Relieves headache and insomnia.
Who Can Do
Consult a doctor before beginning an exercise regime.