Wide Legged Forward Bend I - Prasarita Padottanasana A
Try out this Asana with me?, Health Challenge Invite. Pras?rita P?dott?n?sana A
- Begin standing in Mountain. Step your feet apart wider than your hips, toes turned in, heels out slightly.
- Press into all four points of your feet and engage your legs.
- Tuck your tailbone slightly by bringing your pelvis to neutral.
- Place your hands to your hips and hinge forward to fold.
- Once you can no longer go further, drop your hands underneath your head and begin to walk your hands through your legs.
- Drop the crown of your head down and relax your neck. Continue to draw energy up your feet and tilt your hips up and forward slightly.
- Keep your weight forward so your hips and ankles stay in line.
- It helps to prolong the spine.
- It effectively stretches the hamstrings.
- Strengthens the legs and feet
- Strengthens the abdomen
- Increases blood flow to the brain
Who Can Do
Consult a doctor before beginning an exercise regime.