Side Angle - Parsvakonasana
Try out this Asana with me?, Health Challenge Invite. P?r?vako??sana
- Stand straight in Tadasana posture.
- Inhale and take a wide stance; spread your feet approximately one meter apart.
- Turn your right foot at a 90-degree angle and your left foot slightly at a 60-degree angle towards the right side.
- Bend your right knee till your thigh-bone and calf forms a right angle and is parallel to the floor.
- Exhale and bend towards your right side. Keep your right-hand palm on the floor near your right foot.
- By opening the chest, bring your left hand over your left ear (over the head). Keep your thighs contracted and look up towards the left-hand position.
- In the final position, your spine is kept straight, and your left foot is flat on the ground. Hold this side angle pose for 30–60 seconds with relaxed and steady breathing.
- To return to the initial position, inhale and raise your trunk, lift your right hand from the floor, bring your left hand down and straighten your right leg. Repeat the same steps on each side.
- If placing your right hand on the floor is difficult, you may try a variation. Place your right forearm on the top of your right thigh to get support.
- Strengthens and stretches the legs, knees and ankles.
- Stretches the groin, spine, waist, chest, lungs and shoulders.
- Stimulates abdominal organs.
- Increases stamina.
Who Can Do
Consult a doctor before beginning an exercise regime.