Flying Fish - Uttana Padasana
Try out this Asana with me?, Health Challenge Invite. Utt?na P?d?sana
- Lie down on your back with legs and arms stretched on the floor.
- Flex your elbows to lift the back and arch your neck.
- Bring the crown of your head to the floor to perform the backbend.
- Inhale, raise your legs off the floor extending them to a 45° angle. The feet remain together while lifting and toes point towards the ceiling.
- Exhale, bring the arms forward joining the palms in a prayer pose.
- Stretch the arms parallel to the thighs.
- Balance the body on the crown of the head and hips.
- Hold the pose for about 6 breaths.
- Inhale bringing the arms down using the hands relax the head to the floor.
- Exhale bringing the legs to the floor and relax in a supine pose.
- It enhances the lung capacity and breathing efficiency
- Tones the cardio respiratory systems
- Improves the functional capacity of the digestive organs
- Helps to maintain the health of the reproductive system both for male and female
- Prevents the possibility of the drooping or frozen shoulders
Who Can Do
Consult a doctor before beginning an exercise regime.