Standing Forward Bend with Shoulder Opener - Uttanasana
Try out this Asana with me?, Health Challenge Invite. Utt?n?sana
- From a standing position, the body is folded over at the crease of the hip with the spine long.
- The neck is relaxed and the crown of the head is toward the earth.
- The feet are rooted into the earth. The toes are actively lifted. The spine is straight.
- The ribcage is lifted. The chest and the thighs are connected. The sacrum lifts up toward the sky in dog tilt.
- The fingers are interlaced behind the body and the palms are together.
- The arms and elbows are straight.
- The shoulder blades rotate toward each other as the hands move forward (away from the lower back).
- Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression.
- Stimulates the liver and kidneys.
- Stretches the hamstrings, calves, and hips.
- Strengthens the thighs and knees.
- Improves digestion.
- Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause.
- Reduces fatigue and anxiety.
- Relieves headache and insomnia.
- Relieves headache and insomnia.
- Opens the shoulders.
Who Can Do
Consult a doctor before beginning an exercise regime.