Sage Visvamitra's
Try out this Asana with me?, Health Challenge InviteRevolved Bird of Paradise
- Begin in Lizard with Straight Arms and place your inside shoulder underneath your front thigh.
- Curl up your back toes and pivot your foot down as if in a Warrior pose.
- Ground the palm that is rooted under your front thigh, and walk your front foot slightly to the opposite side to get the shoulder-deep under your thigh.
- Begin to shift your weight back slightly. Bend your knee slightly to lift your foot off the ground and then straighten your leg.
- Ground down firmly to the outer edge of your back foot and your front palm.
- Roll your chest toward the sky and allow your gaze to follow.
- Promotes flexibility.
- Stretches and strengthens the spine.
- Strengthens the arms and legs.
- Strengthens the core and abdomen.
- Increases balance.
- Develops body awareness.
Who Can Do
Consult a doctor before beginning an exercise regime.