Garland - Malasana
Try out this Asana with me?, Health Challenge Invite.
- Come to stand with your feet about mat's width apart.
- Bend the knees and lower your butt toward the floor to come into a squat.
- It's natural for your toes to want to turn out and that's OK, but don't overdo it. Eventually, you're working toward keeping the feet closer to parallel.
- Take your upper arms inside your knees and bend the elbows to bring the palms together into Anjali mudra (prayer position).
- With hands to your heart centre in anjali mudra, see if you can allow your thumbs to touch your sternum as if to help keep the chest lifted. Continue pressing upper arms into thighs and thighs into upper arm to stay engaged.
- Keep your spine straight, your butt moving toward the floor, and your shoulders relaxed away from your ears.
- Stay here for five breaths, then straighten the legs to come out. You can come directly into a Forward Fold if you like.
- Try repeating the pose three times to take full advantage of getting warmed up. If you are practicing at home, it's fine to do some other poses in between your squats.
- Opens your hips and groin.
- Stretches your ankles, lower hamstrings, back and neck.
- Tones your abdominals.
- Aids in digestion.
- Strengthens your metabolism.
- Keeps your pelvic and hip joints healthy.
Who Can Do
Consult a doctor before beginning an exercise regime.